“Our police officers need to understand Indigenous history, colonization, and the effects of residential schools. They need to know about the sometimes strained relations with Black Canadians, people of colour and gender diverse communities.“
(Mike Federico, Retired Deputy Chief, Toronto Police Service)
Our Mission
To achieve the creation of a National Centre of Policing Excellence with the support of community representatives, stakeholders, police practitioners, academics, and government officials. Working collaboratively, the Centre develops national standards for training and education of our police service members.
Notre mission est de créer un collège canadien qui favoriser le développement de la profession policière, avec l’appui et le support de représentants communautaires, de policiers, de chercheurs et de représentants gouvernementaux.
Our Vision
Our vision is to elevate Canadian Policing to “World Class” standards by advancing evidence-based training for both police recruits and officers, developing national standards for all entry-level police training and creating a national certification criterion for police officers.
Nous voulons proposer l’adoption de standards élevés pour la profession policière au Canada, appuyés par des programmes de formation initiale et récurrente qui seront développés sur la base de recherches empiriques, pour l’obtention d’une certification, tant pour les recrues que pour les cadres policiers.
Our Values/Valeurs
● INNOVATIVE AND EVIDENCE BASED –engage research to create evidence and knowledge based solution –engage research to create evidence and knowledge based solutions
● COLLABORATIVE – bring many voices together for greater productivity and creativity
● EQUITABLE – believe and practice fairness in our obligations and interactions
La protection de la Charte des droits et libertés canadienne, le maintien de l’ordre public, le soutien sans équivoque aux institutions canadiennes et une approche reposant la base du savoir, constituent nos valeurs fondamentales.
Our Goals
● Education: Advance the knowledge of Canadians, including decision makers, about the benefits of developing a National Centre of Policing Excellence
● Research: Use research in the creation of a base of evidence to support the creation of the Centre
● Engagement and Partnerships: Develop partners and champions to garner the support required to form /develop a National Centre of Policing Excellence
● Sustainable Operations: Develop a sustainable operating model for C-CPR