Become a Member

Become a member or extend/renew your membership!  Join 240 other voting members who have a say in how C-CPR educates and advocates to improve police education in Canada.

(Besides you get six free webinars yearly!)


  • Supports an important cause
  • Each member gives strength to our mission
  • First SIX webinars of the season free
  • Voting
  • Newsletter
  • Access to our database of research


  • Supports an important cause
  • Each member gives strength to our mission
  • First SIX webinars of the season free
  • Voting
  • Newsletter
  • Access to our database of research
  • PLUS invite to yearly panel discussion
  • You are acknowledging that our work will seed success in the future


  • Supports an important cause
  • Each member gives strength to our mission
  • First SIX webinars of the season free
  • Voting
  • Newsletter
  • Access to our database of research
  • PLUS invite to yearly panel discussion
  • PLUS a call from our President to thank you for enabling Canadians to learn about a College of Policing!
  • Support for the early costs of starting and operating a new charity

We are the Coalition for Canadian Police Reform and we are citizens, professors, and current and serving police officers from seven provinces in Canada. Our goal is to have members in every province and territory who represent the broad diversity of our Nation. We greatly appreciate your membership in this important cause.

As a non for profit organization, all proceeds from your membership go to support the cost of webinars, the maintenance of our website, and CanadaHelps account to manage members, contacts, donations and newsletters. We are volunteer operated.