
We propose a National Centre for Policing Excellence

C-CPR believes a National Centre for Policing Excellence is the best route forward towards better police education. The centre would work towards a national standard for education and eventual certification criteria for Canadian police officers.

We established a Working Group in May 2024 to create a proposal for the establishment of the National Centre for Policing Excellence.

Peel’s Principles

In 1829 in London, England it is said that Sir Robert Peel espoused these principles.  Others say that the first two Commissioners of the London Metropolitan Police developed them.  But whatever the origin, Peel’s Principles are very important operating principles for police in the 21st Century,  just as much as in the 19th Century when they were written.

Further Reading: News Articles and Publications

We encourage you to read additional materials to support our cause of improving policing in Canada. You will find them informative and interesting.